In case you’ve ever seen a bodybuilding contest, you probably noticed how intensively tanned the competitors are. They tan a lot that they appear like bronze statues! And it is not simply the heavyweight male bodybuilders. It’s men as well as women at every level and in every type of category.
But you must be still wondering why do these fellows tan in the first place? Whether body tan for bodybuilding at alpha tan co or other options; bodybuilders do use it. The point is it just a normal ritual kind of thing or it actually improves the fitness of the bodybuilder? In simple words, bodybuilders have always understood that tan look impressive on their body, and they have been doing it for ages. However, here are some clear points why they do that.
Avert Wash Out From Bright Lights
You must realize that bodybuilding shows are take place on stages with strikingly bright spotlights. And a light skin tone reflects most of such a light back to the eyes of the judges. This is a washout effect because it effectively removes the separation between muscle groups that contestants require to place well. However, a deep-complexioned skin takes up lighter, making muscles much more visible.
Even Out your Skin Tone
If you are simply using a tanning bed, most folks have subtle skin tone differences between exposed areas and the ones covered by clothes. In some instances, you could even have marked tan lines. The point is this tan concept is that it creates a uniform type of skin tone across your entire body. This is a lot more visually appealing and wanted for displaying the overall physique. Of course, every bodybuilder wants that their physique looks impressive and impactful right? And here, if tan works for it, nothing wrong in that!
Enhanced definition
A spray tan can help easily finer details stand out. It is like muscle striations and the complicated feathering of the obliques. Again, this is because of darker colour. But similarly, such a spray tan inclines to gather in gaps like the creases between abs. As the bodybuilders in all categories are judged on overall definition and low body fat, a tan can easily help them look just a little bit leaner.
Conceal the skin imperfections
Coupled with evening out skin tone, the overall tan also helps to conceal blemishes. This encompasses anything that stands out against your normal skin colour like that of moles, freckles, acne, or even tattoos.
Everybody is doing it
Ah, now most of the people do a thing because others are doing it. And the same norm works in the realm of bodybuilding world. Since everyone is doing it, you would also be inclined to do that. And seriously, there is nothing wrong in that.
To sum up, you can also try it out with body tan for bodybuilding at alpha tan co and you may experience better outcomes. Of course, it is happening because bodybuilders find worth in that, right? Tyr it for yourself and experience the change.